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An Abundance of Passions


[pash-uh n]

a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.

Around my blog you will find the word passion a couple kajillion times. My little bio on the side there is all about passion and I'll tell you how I came across it.

This blog is a year long Language Arts project, narrowed into what WE want to write about. What I want to write about... but theres a catch. I have to write about my passions, which, quite honestly, is extremely easy for me. I'm one of those kids that has to experience EVERYTHING. I may not like EVERYTHING but I can say I've done it. And I have attached myself to a lot out of that EVERYTHING. To name a few:

  • singing

  • dancing

  • theatre

  • photography

  • ukulele

  • guitar (electric & acoustic)

  • reading

And I'd like to travel but you know...

As you can see, I get around. Although, some of those are pretty lenient. For example: I'm still learning the "basics" of guitar but I write songs and I play it all the time so why not. And dancing. I adore it. I used to Irish step dance but that was when I was maybe 5 years old. I want to start again but I kinda missed my opening. All the beginner classes are for younger kids, though I still dance in Musical Theatre and whenever I can. I'm trying so hard to enroll in this coming year. It's still a passion.

I'm so extremely lucky that I have so many things I love.

Your passion is something you do with your heart, not your mind. It's not something you take for granted and you do it to the best of your ability. You'll never give it up and that's what makes it a passion, not what some people confuse as a hobby.

Until next time,


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