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Left Behind

"Everyone must leave something behind when he dies." What would you like to leave behind?

A question that can be perceived so many way and express even more.

I think I understood this prompt differently than a lot of other people. What they might leave behind is something that could touch the world and help the world in the way it helped themselves.

I would benefit myself by leaving behind this.

I would leave behind my pessimism. I would not like to adapt to optimism, realism or anything else. But, I would just leave it behind.

Here, I'm a religious person. I believe if/when I go to Heaven, my slate will be wiped clean and it'll just be fantastic and beautiful- but I have a feeling that my pessimism would follow me. Haunt me, if you will. Therefore, I will leave it behind to be.

Okay- I also think your stance on perception adds character so-- EDIT -- I'd like to keep my character but ditch the bad vibes. There.

Thinking about it, I may just want to drop my pessimism now.

Until Next time,


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