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Take A Stand

For what am I willing to take a stand for?

As I thought hard about this topic, I came across many ideas. Many of which I would definitely be willing to take a stand for. For example: Women's Rights, Gay Rights, Banned Books, Freedom for all, etc...

But none of these really stood out to me and demanded I do something, myself, about them. I would be willing but not compelled.

I thought long and hard and came across a biggie; Animal Cruelty.

Animals are beaten and left for dead everyday. Not many people know this until they come face to face with the problem. To see beaten up animals on the side of the street isn't something I've personally seen, but heard about many times.

During the class I took at the Capital Area Humane Society to become a volunteer, I heard way too many stories that it started to feel like a live version of a Sarah McLachlan commercial.

I would be more than ecstatic to take a stand on the topic.

But 'how' is the question. And the answer is 'volunteer'.

Until next time,


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