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The Infamous Question

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

This question has haunted us all since the beginning of our own education. The longest ago I can track down this question (asked by my teachers) would maybe be 2nd grade. Even though I had absolutely no idea how to answer this, I still knew what I liked to do. "I want to be an actress," I'd reply. But I would only hear the reply that my dream was unrealistic and I should be a lawyer or something. Now I have thought about being a lawyer. About how it might be cool to know the law and stuff... but at this point in my life, 2nd grade, I knew nothing about the reality. I only knew what I saw on the T.V. and that part was still restricted from my viewing legibilities so I suppose I didn't even know what a lawyer was.

Fast forward to 5th grade, I have been asked the question numerous times and my decision was rejected most all of them and the whole shebang has now become a dialogue between the skeptical bystander and myself.

Picture this: Classroom setting, we're all off topic for no reason but we continue the conversation just because of the lack of time. I'm asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up, Emma?" Because at this point, almost everyones been asked this exact question and they're all awaiting disappointment from yours truly." I want to be an actress." I say firmly, as I know something terrible should happen in about 2 seconds... "That's fantastic, Emma! You we're great in the 3rd grade musical and I think you may have potential!" Woah, woah, woah. What's happening? Did I just gain my first real life supporter? Heck yeah I did! It may not be the greatest moment of my life, but I know because of this one person, I will get my greatest day.

Okay, getting down t the nitty-gritty. I know that, in this day in age, pretty much every 13 year old wants to be an actress. At least in the 2000's and it hasn't quite died down yet. So because of this, It'll be hard to work up to Broadway or be on the "Big Screen", so as any sensible human being would, I created a backup plan. Disclaimer: My backup plan isn't acually a backup plan, It's just a list of jobs that I wouldn't hate.

Top 10 backup plan jobs (in NO specific order):

Fashion Designer, secretary at CAHS (capital area humane society), teacher (which is up there), genius, writer, lawyer (the persuasive kind), forensic photographer, detective (up there too), cop, and interior designer. I also considered being a realtor because I heard it pays really well and I want to be rich and do a lot of these things to help people like charity, foundations, cancer, animals, and my sister and I planned that I'll buy her a nice house with a pool and I'm trying to live up to that (long story).

I know what you've been reading is a blog about passion, but I think this post was a nice little break from it. Bringing it back, though: Even if you're not doing your passion, you should still do something you love. Put passion into it, too. And I think that's one key to life.

Until next time,


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