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Of course, this is a school blog, and I'm to write things concerning my school but I've decided to confirm that I will not be continuing school In the Hilliard city schools district next year.

Getting straight to the point.

My 2015-2016 school year will be so enthusiastically continued at a charter school (that will not be named for obvious saftey reasons). The number one rule at this school is: you must be nice. No questions asked. No lee-way. And that's pretty much it.

The public, private schools or what have you may have the same rule, but the school I'm attending this coming year takes it to a totaly different level. 24/7 "nice-ness" all four years you're enrolled. That includes cyber bullying. No exceptions. And that is exactly what I need.

This facility is also highly involved with kids that are different and in this case, bullied. And, while I'm not physically bullied, I need to be around people that will support me and not cut me down just for their entertainment.

Yes, that exists.

Along with bullied kids, they're education is heavely involved with theatre.


Like any school, you need so many points to graduate, you need 3x that amount here in performing arts. They have in school dance classes, rock band classes, musical theatre classes, and so, so much more.

It's unfortunate to leave my friends while I pursue my dreams, but it's okay because I'm dragging them along with me.

Until next time,


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