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On Monday of this week, I switched up my classes. No more French but instead a new music class in another building. I'm more than thrilled that I made the switch, but along with new wonders, come new circumstances.

Instead of just writing willy-nilly stories of how I came to have my passions and what not, I was given a prompt.

If I could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

I don't know, man!

The usual answer to this would be: X-ray vision, Invisibility, superhuman strangth, the power to fly, or something like that. I don't know about you, but none of these seem appealing to me.

Invisibility: The power to not be seen. Unless I'm a bank robber, which I'm most definitely not, I don't see a use for this.

X-ray vision: To see under clothes..? I'd rather not see their tighty-whities.. To fly: and get shot down?

We've narrowed it down.

But I still don't know... so I asked my family:

Dad: "Flying. So I could get around and see more of the world."

Fair point.

Sister: "I want the ability to remember all of my dreams and then to be able to file them away and then I can like pick one to dream that night but it's like reality. Like the dream is so realistic, I know what happening."

Ah, interesting.

Mom: "Flying. I think I've always wanted to be like a bird- so, to fly."

soooo, shot down?

I'm still a bit stumped. I don't know.

But with a little thinking, I've decided on one:

The power to understand all languages. The ability to comprehend any and all languages. That would be amazing. To speak to anyone wherever you go.

That could really come in handy when I travel around the world.

Until next time,


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