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Davidson or the Obvious

Recently, I have been quite skeptical over whether or not I should go to the suggested high school or an art school next year.

If you've read any of my blogs, you could technically make the decision for me:

The art school, right? Well... I don't know.

You see, I feel like I'm being called to this art school, but I feel like I'm letting peers and teachers down by not attending the "main-stream" school. My entire family has gone to this school, all of them have been Senior Choir Presidents, and I feel a sense of weight on my shoulders...

My family has told me not to fret, and they support me doing whatever I need to do to thrive..

So who else is there possibly to make me feel this way?

I guess it's myself. I feel disappointed that I won't experience what I can with upper-class men I already know, the theatre and music program there, and everything else.

If you know me at all, I'm a super indecisive person- And I try not to be! But, it sticks with me where ever I go. Even if I finally decide to go to the arts school.It will follow me and I have no other choice. This indecisiveness is so bad, I have a bad feeling that when I'm at that arts school, I'll be so let down in myself, I'll move back to the original school.

Bogus, right?

But no, I need to keep telling myself that this is where I belong and sub-consciously know that- but I still need to know it consciously.

No matter what happens, I need to remember to do what I want to do, what I need to do to help me thrive- not what will apease others.

Until next time,


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